ITI EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS hindi app is made for providing an environment to learner and it has questions in latest pattern based on ITI NCVT exams. This app is working as a portable guide to knowledge seekers and helps in different competitive exams specially for First year trainees of All trades in ITI- NCVT as well as ITI- SCVT.
ITI EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS hindi app enhance programs of Kaushal Vikas (Skill Development) for students, job seekers and makers.
App covers all important topics like-
-English Literacy.
-I.T. Literacy.
-Communication Skills.
-Entrepreneurship Skills.
-Productivity in Industries and Self as well.
-Entrepreneurship Skills.
-Occupational safety, health and Environment Education.
-Labour Welfare Legislation
-Quality Tools
- Introduction of Computer and Windows operating system.
This all for you and your acquaintances, so please make it close.